Help With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Rates of ADHD diagnosis and treatment have increased in both the United States and the United Kingdom since the 1970s.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been a target of controversy in recent years, mostly due to its rise in incidence. A diagnosis once intended for children has expanded to adults. The diagnosis has received criticism by health professionals and the public as being “over used”, “not real” and the medication as a “band aid”.
Dr Berman views ADHD as a real condition. With or without hyperactivity, it is the inability to sustain concentration to successfully complete tasks in a timely manner. It affects memory, performance and also relationships. It is most commonly diagnosed in elementary school children because it is most apparent in the classroom. It is rather easy to spot the child who is constantly fidgeting, annoying others, not completing assignments and being overall disruptive. Yet, even kids can fall through the cracks and not get diagnosed until later in life, if at all. However, an ADHD child that has not been diagnosed and treated will become the ADHD adult. Still, it is more difficult to diagnose in adults because they have typically learned to compensate for their deficiencies. Also, since ADHD it thought to have a genetic link, an ADHD adult will likely produce offspring with this same problem.
ADHD has not been over diagnosed. The problem is that it was not previously and correctly diagnosed when it should have been. That is why it is important to work with a professional that has the expertise in this area.
There are a few approaches to effectively treat ADHD that include: education, behavior modification therapy, medication, and a combination of all. Dr. Berman has the experience to accurately assess you or your child and make recommendations for the most successful approach specific to the person in question. The goal is to help the person avoid failure by becoming successful at home, work, school and relationships.
Benefit From My Expertise & Personal Attention
Almost all of the greatest athletes, sharpest minds, talented, and successful people in our world today turn to a coach, teacher, mentor or therapist for personal development, interpersonal growth and overall well-being. WHY NOT YOU? By working together, you will realize that existing barriers are either self-imposed or challenges to circumnavigate. Dr. Berman understands how difficult and personal it is to find the right therapist for your specific needs. In the very first consultation, she will make it clear and easy for you to decide whether or not this will be a good fit
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