Comprehensive Assessment and Evaluations

What to Expect on Your First Visit
Dr Berman understands the need to tailor treatment specifically to those seeking help. She also recognizes the need for accuracy. Many times, people come in to therapy recognizing that something is amiss in their life but uncertain what it is or how to go about making the change. She has also met with many people who had an unfavorable and frustrating experience with a prior therapist. She has heard people refer to her as their “ last hope”. Too frequently, people come in misdiagnosed. In the initial meeting, Dr. Berman performs a comprehensive assessment of typically two hours in length. She works to gather detailed information to offer a preliminary diagnosis of the problem and a working solution. Whether or not you decide to continue work with Dr. Berman, she leaves you with sufficient knowledge to move forward. A proposed treatment plan is outlined with alternative methods of addressing the issue at hand. The purpose is to provide options so those seeking help can be part of the decision making process. This sets the stage for moving forward to accomplish permanent change, so that your life can be the way you want and deserve it to be!
Benefit From My Expertise & Personal Attention
Almost all of the greatest athletes, sharpest minds, talented, and successful people in our world today turn to a coach, teacher, mentor or therapist for personal development, interpersonal growth and overall well-being. WHY NOT YOU? By working together, you will realize that existing barriers are either self-imposed or challenges to circumnavigate. Dr. Berman understands how difficult and personal it is to find the right therapist for your specific needs. In the very first consultation, she will make it clear and easy for you to decide whether or not this will be a good fit
CONTACT DR. BERMAN – 949-716-5150 ext 1
[email protected]
“Fitness is both mind and body”
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving"