Help With Depression and Mood Disorders

Most people will experience depression one or more times in their lives, whether it is singular, bipolar or another mood disorder.
It is grieving over the loss of a relationship, death of someone close or feeling blue after childbirth. How you feel about yourself and your quality of life with respect to job, living situation, and finances can cause an all time low. Depression that interferes with your life such as difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, getting easily angry and irritated, loss of interest in things you used to do, is the kind that needs professional help. It could be too much or not enough sleep, food and exercise.
Depression causes memory, concentration and focus impairment. Withdrawing and isolating from people and the things you love to do no longer is appealing. Making errors at work, being more forgetful, feeling tired all the time, and even struggling to get out of bed in the morning. Getting angry and irritable more easily and frequently. Depression can sneak up on you so that you don’t even recognize you have it.
The good news is that you don’t need to work on this alone. Gone are the days when people had to tough things out. It didn’t necessarily make things better but instead, prolonged the pain, misery and feelings of incompetence, guilt and shame. Dr. Berman will rescue you even from the pits of depression and stabilize your mood so you feel ready and willing to meet daily challenges.
If your depression is lingering and keeping you from enjoying and succeeding in life, this is the type that needs professional help. Getting started is as simple as a phone call: (949)-716-5150. That’s the first step in the right direction.
Benefit From My Expertise & Personal Attention
Almost all of the greatest athletes, sharpest minds, talented, and successful people in our world today turn to a coach, teacher, mentor or therapist for personal development, interpersonal growth and overall well-being. WHY NOT YOU? By working together, you will realize that existing barriers are either self-imposed or challenges to circumnavigate. Dr. Berman understands how difficult and personal it is to find the right therapist for your specific needs. In the very first consultation, she will make it clear and easy for you to decide whether or not this will be a good fit
CONTACT DR. BERMAN – 949-716-5150 ext 1
[email protected]
“Fitness is both mind and body”
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving"