Help With Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older.
Anxiety is a commonly known feeling we all experience throughout life. It is the uncomfortable feeling of impending doom. Anxiety is not only a psychological but also a physical reaction. With fear and worry, the body responds to fight or flight. By doing so, the hearts races and skin changes temperature. A dry mouth, headache, and sweaty palms are other bodily signs of the anxious state of being.
Anxiety can be felt momentarily, as before a big event and then fade. It can be situational, triggered by a single source. Anxiety can be generalized, felt throughout your entire body for no consciously known reason and linger. It can get so elevated that panic sets in. Panic is the most severe form of anxiety that can be life restricting, even crippling.
Like many disorders, anxiety is believed to have a hereditary component. If your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and/or cousins suffer from it, there is that chance that you will have it too. Anxiety can be contagious from the standpoint that when you are around others that are anxious, you will find yourself feeling similarly. Many other mental and physical health conditions have anxiety as a component or symptom to the primary problem.
Dr. Berman believes that no one needs to live with a condition that so negatively impacts life. She strives to uncover the origin of the anxiety and works with the person to eliminate or reduce the impact. The goal is to help create or re-establish balance so the person can lead a normal and productive life.
Benefit From My Expertise & Personal Attention
Almost all of the greatest athletes, sharpest minds, talented, and successful people in our world today turn to a coach, teacher, mentor or therapist for personal development, interpersonal growth and overall well-being. WHY NOT YOU? By working together, you will realize that existing barriers are either self-imposed or challenges to circumnavigate. Dr. Berman understands how difficult and personal it is to find the right therapist for your specific needs. In the very first consultation, she will make it clear and easy for you to decide whether or not this will be a good fit
CONTACT DR. BERMAN – 949-716-5150 ext 1
[email protected]
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"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving"